"Mediate First" Pledge Event 2023

日期 Date : 2023年5月5日(星期五)| 5 May 2023 (Friday)

時間 Time | 語言 Language :
上午環節 Morning Session 09:30 – 12:30 (GMT+8) | 粵語 Cantonese
下午環節 Afternoon Session 14:00 – 18:00 (GMT+8) | 粵語 Cantonese

地點 Venue :
香港會議展覽中心 N201-212 會議室
N201-212, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

Cantonese, English and Putonghua simultaneous interpretation available for the Event

活動內容 Event Contents :
In order to further promote the mediation culture, the "Mediate First" Pledge Event 2023 will invite speakers of different expertise to present on various sessions on the use of mediation in Case Settlement Conference and our every-day disputes. A drama will be presented to show how mediation can be used to resolve community, family and peer disputes. The Event will conclude with the Signing Ceremony of the "Mediate First" Pledge and the Star Logo Award Presentation Ceremony.

節目表 Programme : 請按此 Click here
節目手冊 Programme Booklet : 請按此 Click here

5.5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points of Mediation Forum have been awarded by the following organisations:

1. 香港和解中心 Hong Kong Mediation Centre
2. 內地 - 香港聯合調解中心 Mainland - Hong Kong Joint Mediation Center
3. 國際爭議解決及風險管理協會 International Dispute Resolution and Risk Management Institute
4. 香港調解仲裁中心 Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre
5. 香港律師會 The Law Society of Hong Kong
6. 香港國際仲裁中心 Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre
(上午環節: 3 學分; 下午環節: 2.5 學分 Morning Session: 3 points; Afternoon Session: 2.5 points)
7. 香港調解資歷評審協會 Hong Kong Mediation Accreditation Association Limited
(上午環節: 3 學分; 下午環節: 2.5 學分 Morning Session: 3 points; Afternoon Session: 2.5 points)

立即登記 Register Now

"Mediate First" Pledge

2009年,律政司推出「調解為先」承諾書運動 ( "運動" ),以推動香港以調解解決爭議。這運動旨在鼓勵公司和組織簽署承諾書,即「調解為先」承諾書 ( "承諾書" ),當中聲明簽署人決心以調解這靈活和有建設性的方法解決爭議。爭議各方使用調解,可透過公正無私的調解員協助,以友好和有建設性的方式解決衝突,締造雙方接納的解決方案,並控制風險、費用和需投放的時間。



有關簽署「調解為先」承諾書,請瀏覽 :

如欲了解更多相關資訊,請瀏覽 :

In 2009, the Department of Justice ("DoJ") launched a campaign called “Mediate First” Pledge to promote the use of mediation to resolve disputes in Hong Kong ("Campaign"). The purpose of the Campaign is to encourage companies and organisations to make a pledge, namely the “Mediate First” Pledge (the "Pledge"). The Pledge is a statement of commitment to use mediation which is a flexible and constructive approach in resolving disputes. It allows parties to a dispute, with the assistance of an impartial mediator, to resolve conflicts in amicable and constructive ways that produce mutually acceptable settlement while keeping the risks, costs and time in control.

By making the Pledge, the Pledgee acknowledges its readiness to explore the use of mediation as a means of dispute resolution before resorting to other dispute resolution processes including court litigation. It is a confirmation and manifestation by the Pledgees of their commitment to use mediation.

So far, more than 780 companies, organisations/associations and individuals have made the Pledge.

For joining the “Mediate First” Pledge, please visit:

For further information, please visit:

Supporting Organisations